Monday, October 08, 2007


Are We Willing To Pay For This Idiocy???

In a previous post, I lamented the fact that to the average American, "Supporting The Troops" mainly consists of buying a $2 magnetic sticker for their car's butt. And that's it. That's the average American's current contribution to this war. That's because vast majority of the bill for this war is being shifted so my future grandkids can pay for this folly, long after many of us are dead and forgotten. (You're welcome, kiddos! Don't say ole Gramps never did nuttin' for ya!!)

That could change. There's an amendment to the war appropriations bill that seeks to deepen the average American's personal involvement in this misguided stupidity. It's being proposed by the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Rep David Obey. He proposes a sliding scale "war tax" that would range from 2% for the lowest tier wage earners to 15% for the highest tax brackets.

I see this as a put up or shut up move by the people who are sponsoring this bill. (Co-sponsors are Reps Jim McGovern, D-Mass and John Murtha, D-Pa) So while shrub is playing politics and attempting to portray himself as a fiscal conservative by vetoing the $23 billion for the Children's Insurance Bill, he's still quite content to ride herd on a $2.7 trillion budget. (That $23 bil amounts to about .0085% of the total budget, by the way. Yep, quite the fiscal watchdog we have here.) Democowards are running from this bill like a bunch of scared rabbits. Republicans have been strangely silent, as far as I can tell because they know they're being asked to put their money where their mouth is. Something they're not very good at.

I've been contemplating about this for a while, and have misgivings about this idea. BUT! I've decided that, as much as I would dislike the extra money disappearing, perhaps this is the best way to get the average Joe/Jane Blow off their pathetic lethargic butts and get them THINKING about what's going on over there. The neighbor's kids can come back blown apart, missing their limbs or sanity, and most Americans are saying "Gee, that's rough. Hope they're OK. Hey Honey!! Great news! Gas prices are down! Fill up the Tahoe while you're out for your Botox injections, will ya?!?!"

Americans tend to plod through life with no idea of what's going on around them. They couldn't tell you where the money is going in the federal budget, but they can sure as hell tell you who's been voted out on "Survivor." But boy, let me tell you. Hit them in the pocket book, and hit 'em hard, and brother, you've got their attention. And that's exactly why shrub would never approve his bill, and exactly why the Republicans would never vote for it. They're scared shitless you'll start paying attention to that black hole our grandkid's money is disappearing into.

“I’m tired of seeing that only military families are asked to sacrifice in this war; and they are asked to sacrifice again, and again, and again, so we are putting together this bill in the hope that people will stop ignoring what this war is costing American taxpayers and call the President's bluff on fiscal responsibility, The President is threatening to veto our efforts to provide one-tenth the amount of money that he is spending in Iraq for investments in education, health, medical research, science, law enforcement, and other areas that are crucial to creating a stronger country and more prosperous families. If the President is really serious about combating deficit spending then we’d be happy to help him avoid shoving the costs of the war in Iraq on to our kids by providing for a war surtax. If this war is important enough to fight, then it’s important enough to pay for.”
Rep David Obey, D-Wi

"He proposes a sliding scale "war tax" that would range from 2% for the lowest tier wage earners to 15% for the highest tax brackets."
I saw that. And laughed, quite honestly. Because He, you, I, and God knows, that bill is DOA.

Even if it did pass, I think Americans would just vote "that tax raising SOB" out of office, in favor of somebody who would repeal the law.

And No. I'm not willing to pay for it. It's not my war, I didn't start it, and I never voted to keep it going.

Let some of your airport bathroom frequenters pay for it.
I understand your position entirely, and actually agree with it TUA.

We're paying for this lunacy, at least in part, whether we want to or not. And our grandkids will be too.

A while back on your blog, you asked what it would take to get the average person off his, and into the streets in protest. A draft would certainly do it. If parents thought their kids would be compelled to serve in Iraq, a lot more people would be banging on their rep's head to end this mess.

Hitting 'em hard, in the pocket book, is another way. That was my point.

I too agree it's DOA. I think even the congressman authoring the bill understands that.

It's illegal to charge to use the bathroom in this state. Perhaps we could have some set aside for people with "wide stances" for an extra charge.
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