Friday, November 07, 2008


The Minnesota Senate Race

The day after the election, Norm Coleman, with an approx 700 vote lead in the tally, went in front of the cameras to confidently claim victory. He also suggested that Al Franken forgo a recount, saving taxpayers about $90,000. He said that a recount "wouldn't change things much," and that Franken "would do the public a big favor by conceding defeat and would allow me to get back to Washington to concentrate on the people's work."

I expected nothing less from this snake oil salesman, the quintessential carpet bagger. After all, I lived in St. Paul while he was "hizzoner the mayor" and learned first hand what a slight of hand artiste he was.

Al Franken, for his part, said that he thinks a recount is a mighty fine idea, thank you. He also said that when it's completed, if Coleman's still the victor, he'll be the first to offer his congratulations.


Since Coleman's optimistic press conference yesterday, that 700 vote lead that he claimed "wouldn't change much after a recount" has since, after corrections in vote total reporting by outstate counties, dropped to a bit above 230 at last count. When you're talking a vote total that statewide, adds up to millions, this race is a dead heat.

Concede defeat indeed. What a colossal load of self serving bullshit.

After spending Tuesday eve and most of Wed claiming victory and saying that Franken is "just wasting the taxpayer's time and money by not giving up......" Coleman has become mysteriously circumspect and hard to reach.

Methinks many lawyers are going to make a LOT of money off of this situation before all is said and done..........

I think we'll not know how this all shakes out until next Jan, inauguration day.

"After spending Tuesday eve and most of Wed claiming victory and saying that Franken is "just wasting the taxpayer's time and money by not giving up......" Coleman has become mysteriously circumspect and hard to reach."
Liars are like that when lies blow up in their faces.

"Methinks many lawyers are going to make a LOT of money off of this situation before all is said and done.........."
And it's a Bush loaded court system. Frankenstein has a steep climb ahead.
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